Getting to know Sheri Gould
Veteran in the industry with a heart after God
Sheri Is a graduate of the University of Illinois. She has taught the voice privately for over 35 years. She has been a worship leader and music director in various local churches since 1986. She was the director of Good News Productions, an evangelistic outreach Involving singing, drama, dance, and original musicals for 13 years. She writes for Worship Musician! Magazine and tours the country with her husband, teaching and equipping the Body of Christ for music ministry at such conferences As National Worship Leader Conference, Christian Music Summit, Seminars4Wworship, Camp Electric, Experience Conference, Worship Institute Northeast, WorshipGod, and many more. A homeschooling mom since 1985, she and her husband Doug reside in New Jersey, where she is now home schooling the last of their eight children.